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SHA Updates and Bitcoin 2024

SHA Updates and Bitcoin 2024
Join us on Thursday for a discussion on bitcoin adoption at medical practices!

I'm leading another bitcoin/healthcare masterclass, this time partnering with Dr Alan Bryden, the Bitcoin Optometrist, to lead a discussion on bitcoin adoption in medical practices. Alan has been accepting bitcoin at his clinic in the UK for a couple years, and also started HODL Eyewear line and Sats for Sight initiative to raise bitcoin to bring glasses to the underserved. Sign up here for the session, which will take place Thursday, August 29th at 2pm central time!

Watch here for a brief podcast and preview of our upcoming masterclass.

If you missed my first masterclass, you can watch the replay here. I laid out my thesis for why fiat healthcare is broken, what healthcare could look like on a bitcoin standard, and case studies highlighting ways to integrate a bitcoin strategy in your business.

I also want to highlight another podcast I recently had the pleasure of joining. I talked with Joe McGee, COO at Sovreign and host of the Bitcoin to Business podcast. I'm excited to see Sovreign launch their hub and spoke bitcoin consulting business later this fall. While it may still feel early for businesses adopting bitcoin, there is going to be a great need for support to move businesses over to bitcoin when the time comes. Better to add a redundant payment rail now when it feels "nice to have", than scramble for when you're cut off from your fiat bank account and you "need" to be able to accept payments to keep your doors open.

A client I want to feature this week is Dr Dave Heitmann. A chiropractor from the Midwest, I actually met Dr Dave in Austin and we hit it off at the Sapien Center and through my work at CrowdHealth. He's recently launched his own personal health and longevity coaching business, Authentiic Health, utilizing tools like AI, genetic testing and concierge model to help you optimize your health. I helped him integrate a bitcoin strategy, and he's currently accepting bitcoin for both his programs and genetic tests via Zaprite. Reach out to Dr Dave on his website if you're interested, and let him know I sent you ;) We also had a conversation recently on his Mind of Dave podcast - check it out!

I also want to share my experience attending the Bitcoin Conference in Nashville last month. There were more than 20,000 bitcoiners who descended into the Music City. The highlight of my bitcoin week was participating in Mi Premier Bitcoin’s “Unconference”. Mi Premier Bitcoin is an amazing nonprofit organization that is focused on bitcoin education, open sourcing their curriculum that is being utilized by the public school system in El Salvador to educate the youth about bitcoin! I connected with 150 bitcoin educators, entrepreneurs and leaders from all over the world to share best practices for bitcoin adoption. Everyone had an opportunity to introduce themselves and pitch a topic for discussion. I loved talking all things bitcoin, health and nostr with other bitcoiners from around the world.

Pitching a discussion bitcoin and healthcare at the Mi Premier Bitcoin Unconference!

On Thursday afternoon, I attended Rabbit Hole Recap's live rip, a weekly bitcoin show that is run by two leaders in the bitcoin space, Marty Bent and Matt Odell. I highly recommend checking out their content if you're interested in learning about bitcoin economics, privacy and best practices while keeping up to date with industry developments. The vibes were high and they were even joined by a comedian from the popular show Kill Tony and other bitcoin entrepreneurs - it was great to see both Austin and Chicago well represented too!

Marty and Matt joined by Jack Mallers, Pierre and Morgen Rochard, and Parker Lewis. And a mariachi band too ;)

Thursday night featured the first live Value for Value music concert hosted by Wavlake and Tunestr. The concept of Value for Value has been championed by the Podfather Adam Curry, where fans support content creators and artists directly using bitcoin and the Lightning Network. This was a super high signal event with hundreds of Lightning builders and individuals focused on freedom while enjoying life to its fullest through musical expression.

Stellar act by the talented indie artist, Ainsley Costello! Read more about her here: https://zine.wavlake.com/ainsley-costello/

Friday was the main event - wow! I started the morning with a beautiful bitcoin yoga practice led by Alison Yanci, who's leading a retreat to El Salvador in February. She has come to similar conclusions that I have outlined here on this blog after studying bitcoin and yoga philosophy. It's great to see these principles of open access, decentralization and universal consciousness and energy exchange being put on display at the year's biggest bitcoin gathering!

Bitcoin Yogis and Yoginis Unite

I reconnected with many friends and other bitcoin vendors in the market, including the founder of Breez, Roy Sheinfeld, who came in all the way from Israel for the week's events. Last year, I helped CrowdHealth decide to build on then Breez SDK for members to be able to crowdfund medical bills directly over the Lightning Network! Roy has also written extensively about how we can take bitcoin and Lightning to the next level, most recently how Lightning is the Common Language of the Bitcoin Economy. I highly recommend you giving it a read!

Hangin' out with Roy. Ha'Kol B'Seder (all good ;)

I also had the pleasure of watching the legend Michael Saylor give a keynote speech. His base case prediction for bitcoin's price in USD to be $13M by 2045, which would be equivalent to a $280T market cap. While I think a 29% compounded annual growth rate is conservative based on despite previous CAGR of over 80% YoY over the past 8 years, if bitcoin even starts sniffing close to these levels of USD price without the US government buying more bitcoin than the 200K they already seized, we may not be able to have an exchange rate between bitcoin and fiat at that point. Either way, we are not bullish enough...

As Satoshi said, it might make sense to get some, just in case it catches on...

I had to head home after Saylor's talk, but I highly recommend watching this moving speech by RFK Jr - he's come a long way in the last year since I saw him speak at Bitcoin 2023 in Miami, and continues to study bitcoin and understands the impact it can have as the only path out of debt for the US. His platform alone has shifted the Overton Window, pushing for the US to buy 4 million bitcoin, equivalent to its ~20% holdings of the world's gold supply and eliminating the capital gains tax. The US is more than $35 trillion in debt, and continuing to spend more than it consumes on a yearly basis. This is simply unsustainable, and eventually the chicken's will come home to roost...

Source: https://www.usdebtclock.org/

I encourage you to start asking the question, "what is money?", and honestly explore the answer rooted in first principles. Rather than the divisive political decision we are faced with red or blue, I choose to vote orange by using bitcoin as a store of value, medium of exchange, and eventually unit of account. If you have any questions on how to get started, please reach out: jon@satoshihealth.com

That's a wrap! Until next time,


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